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Red Tatsoi

Red Tatsoi has dark burgundy leaves attached to bright green stems. The glossy, spoon-shaped leaves form an interesting rosette pattern. Red Tatsoi has a mild yet peppery taste that takes on more of a spinach-like flavor when cooked. This superfood green is a good source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as carotenoids, folate, calcium, and potassium.


Days to Sprout

Taste It for





Plant Health




4-5 weeks

Red Tatsoi needs minimal pruning. Only snip yellow or brown leaves if they appear. The outer, older leaves turn yellow over time if not harvested. Red Tatsoi has a robust root system, so check the roots monthly and trim any that are brown or extending past the yPod. To delay bolting, cut flowering stems as they appear.

For ongoing harvest, snip the outer leaves just above the base of the plant once they reach 4 inches tall to let the inner leaves continue to grow. Don’t cut more than 1/3 of the plant if you want it to keep growing. To harvest the full head, wait until it reaches maturity, then harvest from the base.


Red Tatsoi is a hybrid descendant of traditional Green Tatsoi and is also native to China. While its exact origin is unknown, many cultivars are located in France and other parts of Europe.


Red Tatsoi has dark burgundy leaves attached to bright green stems. The glossy, spoon-shaped leaves form an interesting rosette pattern. Red Tatsoi has a mild yet peppery taste that takes on more of a spinach-like flavor when cooked. This superfood green is a good source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as carotenoids, folate, calcium, and potassium.

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