Nasturtiums have round, broad shaped leaves that resemble shields or water lilies. This variety of Nasturtium has a compact, mounding growth habit. Both the Nasturtium leaves and the red, pink, orange, and yellow flowers are edible with a mildly sweet and peppery flavor.

Days to Sprout
Taste It for
Plant Health
Nasturtium seeds require a well-drained environment, so we recommend germinating them off of your Gardyn. To do so, dunk the yCube in water up to the top of the plastic and soak for 5 minutes. Then, place it in a Nursery without adding any more water, and add the lid. If you already have other yCubes or Microgreens germinating with water in your Nursery, keep your soaked Nasturtium yCube separate.
Nasturtiums have a robust root system, so we recommend checking the roots twice a month and trimming any that are brown or extending past the yPod. Once flowers start to fade, remove them by pinching the stem below the base of the flower head. This helps the plant refocus its energy on producing the next wave of blooms! Foliage will brown over time as new growth develops, so this plant also benefits from frequent harvesting of flowers and foliage to keep it productive and healthy.
Nasturtiums don’t need upward support as they have a dangling tendency, and will cascade down your Gardyn beautifully! This is why they’re best placed on the outer columns in the moderate or minimum light intensity zones so they have room to trail. If you want to grow the vine upward instead, we recommend using our Trellis and Plant Belts to direct the vine up your Gardyn’s columns.
Harvest by cutting flowers at the stem when they are fully open. The foliage can be harvested at any time, but we suggest waiting until your plant is 4-6 inches long and has a healthy root system to ensure it keeps producing! Once reaching this size, Nasturtiums benefit from frequent harvesting.
Native to Peru, Nasturtiums have been growing in the wild since ancient times. In the 1550’s, Spanish conquistadors brought the small, wild plants to Europe, where Danish botanists further bred the plants into the stunning trailing varieties we have today. Nasturtiums have been used throughout history in a variety of medical applications, as well as by soldiers to symbolize victory and patriotism.
Nasturtiums have round, broad shaped leaves that resemble shields or water lilies. This variety of Nasturtium has a compact, mounding growth habit. Both the Nasturtium leaves and the red, pink, orange, and yellow flowers are edible with a mildly sweet and peppery flavor.